Category: Uncategorized
Video Optimizers 3.1 Release
AT&T Video Optimizer release 3.1 is out now! It includes several enhancements to video analysis for HLS & DASH video. Adaptive Bitrate Ladders are now shown graphically. Support for Android 9 & 10 secure collection has been added. Visibility into TCP session round trip time and session counts have been added. And much more!
AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon with Over $15,000 in Prizes
One of our biggest hackathon events of the year also happens to be our 200th hackathon. Join us for our third annual AT&T IoT Civic Hackathon in Indianapolis at the Indiana IoT lab on Friday, April 20th for a chance to win your share of over $15,000 in prizes. You’ll hear from amazing speakers, have access to a plethora of gear, and even have an opportunity to check out EMS vehicles and talk to responders who use this equipment daily.
So many third-party analytics, so little time
Once your service is ‘in the wild’ with customers, it is important to monitor how your customer base is using your application. There are dozens (if not hundreds) of analytics tools that provide real user measurements (RUM) on crashes, performance, video streaming, and more. Find out how these tools affect your user experience.
Whitepaper reveals the messaging industry remains strong
- AT&T APIs,
- In-App Messaging,
- Uncategorized
AT&T collaborated with Frost & Sullivan on a whitepaper about the state of the messaging industry. While the industry has undergone a major evolution and will continue to do so, it is definitely far from static industry. Read about some of the key findings.
Reality, Virtually Hackathon: Educational, entertainment, and gaming VR/AR apps for all
Over 350 people went to this ground-breaking event, see which of the 75 projects created were the big winners.
Behind the Scenes: Meet the creators of Five Windows, the winning student film
We just announced the winning student entry for the Entertainment Project. See how a high school rivalry, led to a winning team. You can learn more about the crew, the film, and their collective process.